Friday, June 12, 2020

Evaluate When Writing an Essay

Evaluate When Writing an EssayMost college students, when asked to write an essay, tend to panic and procrastinate about whether they should include the appropriate keywords. In some cases, the first thing that they have in mind when trying to write an essay is to use keywords. However, you must learn how to evaluate when writing an essay to know whether or not you should use a keyword.In most cases, a keyword is something that is used to describe or identify a topic. For example, an essay topic might be 'the art of war.' If you had an essay entitled 'The Art of War - A Comprehensive Introduction,' your keywords would be the word 'art' or perhaps 'war' and the word 'comprehensive.' The words in this sentence are all equally important and descriptive and therefore all should be included. In addition, if you were to include the words 'Art of War' and then state that the essay was written by someone who was looking for knowledge about the art of war, the listener would know that the per son had a reason for doing so because of the information that he had already learned about the subject.However, if you're writing an essay and someone calls out the word 'Art of War' and you respond with, 'We have all heard of this concept and are not unfamiliar with it,' you are losing the ability to effectively evaluate when writing an essay. Many people who were written the title incorrectly on the other hand, will not realize that the student had been speaking in general terms about the art of war. If you use broad terms, you have the possibility of using up a lot of space without really conveying the intended message.Another point of concern is what words you use to write the introduction to your essay. It is perfectly fine to use key phrases such as 'Introduction,' 'Your basic purpose'An introduction to your essay.' However, if you want your essay to stand out and to make a statement about the topic, then you should consider how your introduction will be interpreted by your au dience. In other words, do you want the reader to skim through your essay and then move on or would you rather get to the point as quickly as possible?Finally, you must evaluate the sentence structure of your essay. Is your essay much longer than it needs to be? By the time you've read and re-read your essay, will it still make sense? If you find yourself re-reading your essay over again, you may be missing the point of the essay and it would be a good idea to rearrange it into shorter sentences to increase its impact.Writing is a process of analyzing ideas, finding context, preparing arguments, and interpreting the final draft. One way that many people solve these problems is to write an outline. An outline shows how each chapter will relate to the next, and how they will tie together.It's not necessary to fill every paragraph with bullet points and give all of the details on your main points. However, you can utilize the outline as a guideline in figuring out where to go with your argument.When writing an essay, it is crucial to find the time to devote to the craft and to not be afraid to explore each topic. Yet, as with most things, if you procrastinate, your writing may be lacking. The best way to ensure that your essay is both effective and compelling is to practice.

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